All businesses are required to be licenced under the Business Licence bill 2010. This includes all businesses registered before the bill became law. Any person who wishes to incorporate a company in the Bahamas is required by law to register the business.
EligibilityAny Bahamian citizen or permanent resident who is:
A non-Bahamian applying to conduct business in The Bahamas requires approval from the Bahamian Investment Authority. Follow the related services link for more details.
Publicly Trading companies, Limited Liability Partnerships and Limited Liability Company are registered at the Registrar General Office where the receive their certificate of incorporation. This is brought to the BLU office to complete the Business Licencing process.
Application Form(s) Supporting DocumentsOnce an application form and all supporting documents have been submitted, it is processed within 7 working days.
No deadlines for a new application. However, all old business must be registered by March 31st 2011. Failing to register would incur penalties in accordance with the Act 2010 Section 26: Offences.
Related Fee(s)A Business License for a new business has a flat fee of BS$100. Fees for an existing business vary based on the type of business currently operating and the business turn over figures. Please refer to Schedule of Fees in the Business Licence Act 2010.
For more information please contactBusiness Licence/Valuation Unit
Ground Floor Charlotte House
North Charlotte & Shirley Streets
P. O. Box 3017
New Providence
The Bahamas
Phone: (242) 325-2233, 325-1171, 325-2126
Fax: (242) 328-8003
Opening Hours: 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday