Cal Poly is committed to building a well-rounded, nurturing support system that positively impacts not only academics but also student life; diversity, equity and inclusion; and health and wellbeing. As part of that commitment, all first-years are required to live on campus. Depending on their College or program, some students are required to stay on campus for a second year. New students are notified during the Cal Poly Admissions process if their College has a two-year housing requirement.
These student groups are currently required to live on campus for two years:
At this time, a second year on campus is optional for all other students — including transfer students. Automatic housing grants are provided to students with the greatest financial need.
We understand that living on campus might not be a good match for all students. In such cases, Cal Poly grants housing exemptions for first- and second-year required students who meet certain requirements, including:
COVID-19 concerns will not be considered for exemptions. If you have a medical or disability circumstance related to COVID-19, please seek a medical exemption.
Students with a two-year residency requirement must apply for an exemption every academic year — even if they were previously approved.
Starting Wednesday, Jan. 10 continuing students will be able to request an exemption in the 2024-25 Housing Application.
What is the two-year housing program?
The two-year housing program provides students with campus housing for the first two years at Cal Poly, extending the existing first-year live-on requirement for an additional year.
Why was a two-year housing program added?
There are multiple benefits for first-year students who live on campus for two years. These students are more connected to the community at large, including support resources and services. In turn, this better supports their retention and academic progress.
When will students in other Colleges be required to live on campus two years?
None of the other three colleges will be adding a two-year housing requirement for 2024-25.
Where will second-year students live?
Second-year students live in Cerro Vista and Poly Canyon Village Apartments. The specific location depends on the students’ second-year housing preferences, demand, and availability.
Why should I live on campus?
Residents enjoy flexible lease agreements and 24/7 support not readily available elsewhere in the local college housing market. Living on campus provides students:
What room configurations are available for students in second-year housing?
Currently, we offer single rooms and larger double rooms in shared apartments, which house four, five or six students.
Is there enough housing to require second-year students to live on campus?
There is currently enough housing to accommodate all first-year students on campus, some new transfer students, and the colleges and programs with a two-year housing requirement.
Will students be able to choose their apartments/rooms?
Yes, we will offer room selection in 2024-25.
Will there be campus housing for transfer students or continuing students who are not required to live on campus?
Students with a housing requirement receive priority to sign up for Housing. Based on enrollment projections, we anticipate being able to offer some transfer housing. There will be about 400 spaces for all other continuing students. Those spaces will be offered from an interest list.
When and how can I request an exemption my second year?
Students can request an exemption in the 2024-25 Housing Application starting Jan. 10, 2024. The Continuing Student Housing Application opens Jan. 31, 2024.
I was exempt from the first-year housing requirement. Do I have to file an exemption for the second year to live off-campus?
An exemption for the second year must be submitted, even if you were approved for a first-year exemption.
Are any updates planned to services and amenities to support second-year students?
Overwhelmingly, students choose to live on campus for the convenience. As budget allows, we are considering ways to enhance our spaces, services and support including: