If you are interested in learning more about becoming a landlord, visit the HCV Landlord Resources website.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a tenant based rental assistance program eligible to families within Lauderdale County that are income qualified. Families may use their voucher with private landlords throughout our jurisdiction in Lauderdale County.
Our objective is to empower families to improve our community.
A family interested in participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program may apply to the wait list by clicking here and submitting an online application.
Applicants are placed on the waiting list, and when the applicant’s name reaches the top of the list, the applicant is contacted for an interview. They must provide income verification, asset verification, family composition, birth certificates and social security numbers for all family members and other information used in determining eligibility. Applicants must pass a criminal background screening.
Applicants must attend a briefing to receive their Housing Choice Voucher. They will receive information such as family obligations and the number of bedrooms for which they qualify. This briefing is about two hours and teaches families how and where to find a unit, how to maintain the unit, how to remain in the program, along with additional information on tenancy.
Participants are responsible for locating their own rental unit.
An initial inspection is conducted, and the unit must meet the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Quality Housing Standards (HQS). The rent is set by the owner of the property, however rent charged must be reasonable and in accordance with FHA and HUD guidelines.
The participant and the landlord will sign an assisted lease agreement. The landlord must provide a lease that is the same agreement used for unassisted tenants. FHA is not a party to the lease. Rather, the landlord and FHA execute a housing assistance payment contract (HAP). Families are not parties to the HAP contract.
After the unit passes the inspection and all required documents are signed, the family may move in and HAP will begin. Payments are made the first week of each month.
More information is available by contact the Housing Choice Voucher Department at 256-740-5217.